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This information is for educational purposes only, and not meant to provide medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. Can I Buy Protopic Ointment () Online Without a Prescription If your doctor recommends a moisturizer, apply it after this medication. Consult your doctor for more details.Avoid allergens/irritants such as smoke, pollen, pet dander, dust, or molds that may worsen breathing problems.Learn to use a peak flow meter, use it daily, and promptly report worsening breathing problems (such as readings in the yellow/red range, increased use of quick-relief inhalers).Ask your doctor or pharmacist whether you should have an annual flu shot. Cheap Albuterol inhaler 6 inhalers (Asthalin) Without a Prescription Overdose symptoms may include dry mouth, tremors, chest pain, fast heartbeats, nausea, general ill feeling, seizure (convulsions), feeling light-headed or fainting.