My Twitter account has been stolen. Please unfollow @skin_and tonics. That is no longer me.
April 11, 2014 | Announcements, News
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Unfortunately, this person did a really thorough job stealing this account – they changed the email contact as well. I’ve contacted Twitter support, but they don’t seem to share the same sense of urgency I have about the situation. I do not have very much faith that this matter will be resolved in a timely fashion, if at all, so I am setting up a new Twitter account for Skin & Tonics. I would love it if you would all continue to follow me there!
My new account is: @skinandtonicsKT
I hope you’ll join me there! I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience, and the past 20 hours of angsty-teen-spambot-spew.
Im so sorry this happened to you. Hope they stop the spambot soon.
Thanks, Cheryl. 🙂
That sucks and I’m so sorry that happened to you.