Skin & Tonics : Skincare Guides & Product Reviews

Skincare guides & product reviews for hydration lovers & the moisture barrier obsessed

Spring Fling! The May Ipsy Glam Bag Review

May Ipsy Glam Bag 2013 - Urband Decay Moondust Eyeshadow in Glitter Rock

If there is such a thing as a mailbox lottery, I won it on Saturday. My skincare haul from W2Beauty arrived on Saturday, as did my beautiful new jewelry from BellaLili, and my May Ipsy Glam Bag. As…


Win my $50 Korean Cosmetics Giveaway!

Korean Cosmetics $50 Giveaway - Skin & Tonics - W2Beauty

I’ve been meaning to do a giveaway for quite some time, but I wanted to make it a good one. I did a quick poll on the Skin & Tonics Facebook page last week to ask readers if…


The Madonna Collection by SquareHue

May - The Madonna Collection by SquareHue

Okay, before you get all worked up about the whole Madonna thing like I did, I need to tell you that the “Madonna” in “The Madonna Collection” is not our beloved Queen of Pop. As much as I…